Upgrade Instructions 4.2 ==> 12.12.1

These instructions upgrade Netrunner Dryland-SE (4.2) to Netrunner Dryland-TE (12.12.1). Please use at your own risk and make sure to make a backup of your personal data first before attempting the upgrade. To perform the upgrade, open a terminal (yakuake or konsole) and type the following commands: wget http://community.netrunner-os.com/upgrade-4.2.sh chmod a+rx upgrade-4.2.sh sudo ./upgrade-4.2.sh During […]

Upgrade Instructions 4.2 ==> 12.12.1 Read More »

Netrunner 12.12 released

Netrunner Dryland – Third Edition (12.12) has been released. It is based on Kubuntu 12.10 and comes with the following features: GNU/Linux OS kernel-3.5 KDE 4.9.3 Firefox 17 (+KDE integration) Thunderbird 17 VLC 2.0.4 LibreOffice 3.6.2 Skype 4.1 Gimp 2.8 Krita Gwenview Kdenlive Telepathy Messenger Samba Mounter (easy NAS setup) Webaccounts (social accounts integration) Runners-ID

Netrunner 12.12 released Read More »