The Netrunner Team is happy to announce the release of Netrunner 17.10 “Voyager” – 64bit ISO.
Netrunner 17.10 ships with an upgraded stack of KDE Plasma, Frameworks and Apps on top of an updated Debian Testing, plus the usual selection of applications like Libreoffice, KDEnlive, Gimp, Audacious, Steam, Skype, Transmission, Virtualbox, Krita, Inkscape and many more.
Here is an excerpt of some major version numbers shipped in Netrunner 17.10:
- Linux Kernel 4.10.0-1
- Plasma 5.11.2
- Frameworks 5.35
- Qt 5.9.1
- KDE Applications 17.08
- Firefox 52~ESR
- Thundebird 52.1
Besides the software updates, we added KaoS Isowriter instead of SuseImagewriter and have overall refined the stack, including a new default wallpaper.
You can find the 64-bit ISO in our download section and ask for help or report any issues in the Forums.