
Upgrade Script Netrunner 13.12 –> 14

These instructions upgrade Netrunner 13.12 to Netrunner 14 Please use at your own risk and make sure to make a backup of your personal data first before attempting the upgrade. To perform the upgrade, open a terminal (yakuake or konsole) and type the following commands: wget http://pub.netrunner-os.com/upgrade-13.12_to_14.sh chmod a+xr upgrade-13.12_to_14.sh sudo ./upgrade-13.12_to_14.sh During the upgrade,

Upgrade Script Netrunner 13.12 –> 14 Read More »

Upgrade script 13.06 ==> 13.12

These instructions upgrade Netrunner 13.06 to Netrunner 13.12 Please use at your own risk and make sure to make a backup of your personal data first before attempting the upgrade. To perform the upgrade, open a terminal (yakuake or konsole) and type the following commands: wget http://pub.netrunner-os.com/upgrade-13.06_to_13.12.sh chmod a+xr upgrade-13.06_to_13.12.sh sudo ./upgrade-13.06_to_13.12.sh During the upgrade,

Upgrade script 13.06 ==> 13.12 Read More »