The Netrunner Team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Netrunner Desktop 17.01 – 64bit ISO.
Note: We have updated the current ISO to 17.01.2 to include some previously missing firmware drivers for certain wireless cards from the nonfree section of Debian.
Netrunner Desktop 17.01 “Baryon” has jumped from previously Debian Jessie to the Snapshot “20161211” of Debian Testing:
This means the system can be kept on a certain version stack, while it is also easy to enable the corresponding repositories for continously updates of Debian Testing.
Netrunner ships with the usual selection of software applications like KDEnlive, Gimp, VLC, Libreoffice, Audacious, Steam, Skype, Transmission, Virtualbox, Krita, Inkscape and many more.
Here is an overview of what’s new in Netrunner Desktop 17.01:
- Debian Testing – Snapshot “20161211”
- Linux Kernel 4.8.0-2
- Plasma 5.8.2
- Frameworks 5.27
- Qt 5.7.1
- KDE Applications 16.08.2
- Firefox 50.0.2
- Thundebird 45.3
You can find the 64-bit ISO in the download section and ask for help or report any issues in our Forums section.